I have to admit this whole moving to a new city thing is hard. It is hard to uproot, move away from friends and a city you love even if "change is good," even after almost an entire year in the new city. You might be going, okay Lauren, where is this coming from...but I went to D.C. this past weekend to meet up with a few brides and grooms, and have some fun with friends. And, well, it feels like no matter what, every time I drive over "the hill" on 395N and see the amazing view of the city, I get a little sad that I don't live there anymore. (Ya know that hill right before you get to the Pentagon?...if you don't know, see below...it looks a little something like that but better.)

Yes, I know that it takes time to get used to any new place. That it takes time to make new friends (especially as an adult), but still. D.C. just has this energy to it that speaks to me. Besides missing my friends, I probably miss running around the monuments the most. Oh and the food! Richmond has great restaurants, don't get me wrong. I mean there are a few places I wish I could eat at every week. Just sort of divide the nights out, and I'm done, no meal planning needed, but I can't because that would be expensive. (Helen's, Acacia, Spoonbread, Kitchen on Cary, McCormack's Whiskey Grill...that leaves two nights a week to try something new.) Sometimes though, I just miss my old easy to pickup on the way home, DC favorites. Can an &Pizza please just open in Richmond already, oh and bring a District Taco with you please!
Okay, okay I will stop whining here for a minute, because truthfully D.C. is so close and only a quick drive to see the city (if I time it right), to hang with friends, and well stuff my face with my favorite foods every now and again. And when I can't be there I will keep trying out new to me restaurants in Richmond, and some new recipes in the kitchen.